She did it!

Momma snuggles her first hatchling of 2013

Momma snuggles her first hatchling of 2013

April 19 and 20 the chicks hatched. Super Friend Kelly D was on-site to assist while we were biking in Moab, UT (that’s what happens when you purchase eggs, stick them under your broody hen, but do not count ahead 21 days).

(Presumed) blue orpington (front) and blue-laced red wyandotte (back) chicks

(Presumed) blue orpington (front) and blue-laced red wyandotte (back) chicks

Of 10 eggs, 4 hatched and 3 survived to waddle and peep. Not an impressive hatch rate, but Calamity Jane has what she needs – babies. The chick that died was likely a lavender orpington 😦 . The pencil marks have mostly faded from the eggs, but by process of elimination, I think we have two BLR Wyandottes (just like last year!) and one blue orpington. We don’t have a blue orpington, so if it’s a girl we will keep her.

"This is how to eat cut grass"

“This is how to eat cut grass”

Now it’s on to rearing. Calamity Jane clucks, she sits on the chicks when they are cold and need to nap, she takes them out and teaches them to forage. They stand in the sun and preen together. Adorable.

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2 Responses to She did it!

  1. Ceilah McIntyre says:

    so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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